Email functionality is most important part of any web based application. Email feature starts at the Sign up in most of the websites and after that user receives different kinds of emails like updates of application, various kinds of promotions etc. If there will be any issue in this email delivery functionality in that case users can suffer lot and due to this there will be negative impact on the website. So again testing plays very important role to ensure that email functionality is working as expected.
Testing of email functionality is not straightforward if there is no proper setup for email testing in test environment. So setup for testing email functionality in test environment is essential.
There can be various scenarios based on the business requirements in which application sends the email to the user so testing of each flow should be done properly based on requirements but below points are some common test cases for delivered email which should be tested as part of email functionality testing:
Common Test cases for Email Delivery functionality Testing:-
-Verify that Email is delivered successfully
-Verify that user doesn’t receive same email again and again
-Verify that emails are not going into spam folder normally.
- Verify “From” address in delivered email
- Verify “To” address if email is sent to single email ID.
-Verify “To” address if email is sent to multiple email Ids and also verify that each email Id receive email
-Verify “Cc” address if only one email ID is in the Cc and one email ID in “To” and verify that email ID mentioned in Cc is getting the email along with the email id which is mentioned in “To” list
- Verify “Cc” address if multiple email IDs is in the Cc and multiple email IDs in “To” and verify that email IDs mentioned in Cc are getting the email along with the email ids which are mentioned in “To” list
- Verify Subject of the email
- Verify Content of the email
-Verify the attachment if there is only one file in attachment in email and also verify the size of attachment.
-Verify the attachment if there are multiple files in attachment in email and also verify the size of attachments
-Verify the day, date and time details of delivery of an email.
-Verify UI of email in different email account like yahoo mail Gmail, rediffmail, Hotmail etc.
-Verify Link navigation in the email
-verify that links are navigating to expected page
-After clicking on any link if login is required in that case verify that user is able to redirect to the expected page after login.
-Verify the behaviour of links in forwarded email if user forward that email to some other user.
-Verify the behaviour if user do reply on that email.
-Verify the behaviour if user do “reply to all”
-Verify the unsubscribe functionality of email.
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