Importing data from Excel or CSV file is a common use case which is used in most of the web portals.First data teams collect the data in excel/csv file as it is easy way to gather the data and then upload the collected data in the portal.
This feature seems simple and easy to use but testing of this feature is little complex and sometimes its time consuming.
This feature has basically 3 important component for verification:
1-Excel file
2-Web page
2-Web page
There will be many use cases for testing based on requirements but there are some common and important use cases for testing this feature:
Common Test cases:-
-Don’t select any file and click on “Submit” button
-Select valid excel file having correct data and click on submit button and verify the uploaded data in db.
-Select invalid file like .doc file,jpg file etc and click on Submit button
-Upload one file and try to upload the same file again
-Select valid excel file and click multiple times on submit button
-Open this upload file page in two tabs of browser and select the same file in both page and then try to upload same file
-Verify the use case when file upload process starts and internet connection goes down
-Verify the use case when file upload process starts and server goes down
-Verify the use case when file upload process starts and server goes down
-Start the upload process and close the browser
-Try to upload the blank file
Excel compatibility:- Verify whether different version of excel file is compatible with this xls file or xlsx file etc
Excel file name validation:- Verify uploading valid excel file having different kind of names( one word name, name having space, name having special character like abc.xls,abc 123.xls,abc_123.xls)
Excel file column validation:
-Remove one column at a time and try to upload the excel file
-Rename the column name
If column name is Abc then change it to ABC or abc and xyz and then try to upload the file
-Interchange the column name and don’t data and try to upload the file
-Interchange the columns and try to upload the excel file
-Remove the the first row contains column names and try to upload the excel file
Excel file column validation:
-Remove one column at a time and try to upload the excel file
-Rename the column name
If column name is Abc then change it to ABC or abc and xyz and then try to upload the file
-Interchange the column name and don’t data and try to upload the file
-Interchange the columns and try to upload the excel file
-Remove the the first row contains column names and try to upload the excel file
Data validation:
Based on the field validate the excel data like
-If field name is mobile number then enter only characters like abcdefgh and then upload the file
-if field name is email then enter email as “asdasd” or “sdfdsfsd@” etc and uplaod the file
-Blank field validation test:- Don’t enter any mandatory field data and try to upload the file
More details on field validation is available at:-
Based on the field validate the excel data like
-If field name is mobile number then enter only characters like abcdefgh and then upload the file
-if field name is email then enter email as “asdasd” or “sdfdsfsd@” etc and uplaod the file
-Blank field validation test:- Don’t enter any mandatory field data and try to upload the file
More details on field validation is available at:-
-If excel file has only first row containing the column names and rest of the file is blank then try to upload this file and verify.
-If blank row is present between two rows having data then try to upload this file and verify the data .
Duplicate data: If one row data is present in another row in that case try to upload the file
Apart from above use cases there are two more important use cases:
Max Size of the file:- Test for the max size of file which can be uploaded
Max number of records which can be uploaded at a time:- Test for Max number of records which can be uploaded
Max number of records which can be uploaded at a time:- Test for Max number of records which can be uploaded
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